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indian agent造句

"indian agent"是什么意思  
  • After leaving government service, Johnson worked as an Indian agent in Arizona.
  • The first white settlers in the area were Indian agent Benjamin Hawkins.
  • Indian agents clamored to provide the Indians with a more permanent home.
  • The others are Bofors'former Indian agent, Win Chadha, his wife and son.
  • McGillycuddy was appointed as Indian Agent in 1879, when he was 30.
  • Prior to that, judicial authority had been exercised by the Indian Agent.
  • George Johnston assisted Schoolcraft as a U . S . Indian agent.
  • Hugh Montgomery, a U . S . Indian Agent, is buried there.
  • Later Judgments on Martin's career as an Indian agent have been mixed.
  • He negotiated strongly with Indian Agents such as Dr . Valentine McGillycuddy.
  • It's difficult to see indian agent in a sentence. 用indian agent造句挺难的
  • In 1869, he was assigned to Bayfield, Wisconsin as an Indian agent.
  • Henry Woodward became an interpreter and Indian agent for the fledgling colony.
  • He was appointed as the British Indian agent to the Iroquois.
  • His father was an Indian agent at the time on the Swinomish Reservation.
  • General Charles Adams, a former US Indian agent, negotiated release of the captives.
  • Sprague served as United States Indian Agent in Michigan 1852 & ndash; 1853.
  • After leaving Tucson, Franklin was a sub-Indian Agent at Fort Grant.
  • Indian Agent Redick McKee's 1851 expedition Native groups militated against this.
  • It was the original office and residence of the Indian Agent.
  • One of the Indian Agents Joe Jim worked for was Hiram Warner Farnsworth.
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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